- 中文:当前,全球化遭遇逆流,单边主义和保护主义抬头,全球发展不平衡加剧引发关注。联合国副秘书长盖伊·赖德在博鳌亚洲论坛2025年年会上接受采访时称,当前,联合国受美国缩减资金支持等政策影响,人道主义行动受阻,但联合国仍坚守多边主义,在变局中推进既定的各项目标。
- 英文:Nowadays, globalization is facing headwinds with the rise of unilateralism and protectionism, while growing imbalances in global development have raised widespread concerns. "We have seen some withdrawal of funding from the U.S. sources... It's particularly impacting our humanitarian operations," said Guy Ryder, UN undersecretary - general for policy, at the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2025. He stressed UN will remain steadfast in its commitment to multilateralism and continue to advance its objectives amidst these transformations.
- 中文:当地时间3月2日,联合国秘书长古特雷斯通过发言人发表声明,敦促所有各方尽一切努力,防止加沙恢复敌对行动。他呼吁让人道主义援助进入加沙地带,并释放所有被扣押人员。
- 英文:On March 2nd, local time, UN Secretary - General António Guterres issued a statement through his spokesman, urging all parties to make every effort to prevent the resumption of hostilities in Gaza. He called for humanitarian aid to enter the Gaza Strip and for the release of all detainees.
- 中文:气象学家的悲观预测正在成为现实。我们的气候正在燃烧。过去十年中的每一年都是有记录以来最热的年份。海洋热量正在打破记录。每个国家都感受到了影响——无论是被大火炙烤,被洪水席卷,还是被前所未有的风暴袭击。今年世界气象日的主题是“共同缩小预警差距”,它提醒我们,在这种新的气候现实下,预警系统不是奢侈品。它们是必需品,也是明智的投资——提供近十倍的回报。然而,世界上仍有近一半的国家无法获得这些救生系统。在数字时代,由于人们无法获得有效的预警系统而失去生命和生计,这是可耻的。联合国“人人享有预警”倡议的目标是,到2027年让世界各地的每个人都受到警报系统的保护。世界必须团结起来,紧急扩大行动和投资,以实现这一目标。我们需要各国在国家层面为该倡议提供高层政治支持,增加技术支持,加强政府、企业和社区之间的合作,以及大力扩大融资。提高多边开发银行的贷款能力是关键。去年达成的《未来契约》取得了重要进展,必须全面落实。《联合国气候变化框架公约》第二十九次缔约方大会的融资成果也必须得到落实。与此同时,我们必须加紧努力,从源头上应对气候危机——通过迅速大幅削减温室气体排放——以防止情况变得难以想象地糟糕。今年,所有国家都必须履行承诺,制定与将全球气温上升限制在1.5摄氏度以内相一致的新的国家气候行动计划。在气候灾难的时代,作为一个正义问题,地球上的每个人都必须受到预警系统的保护。让我们共同努力,实现这一目标。
- 英文:The dark predictions of meteorologists are coming to pass. Our climate is going up in flames. Every one of the last ten years has been the hottest in recorded history. Ocean heat is breaking records. And every country is feeling the effects – whether scorched by fires, swept by floods, or pummelled by unprecedented storms. The theme of this year’s World Meteorological Day – Closing the Early Warning Gap Together – reminds us that, in this new climate reality, early warning systems are not luxuries. They are necessities and sound investments – providing an almost ten - fold return. Yet, almost half the world’s countries still lack access to these life - saving systems. It is disgraceful that, in a digital age, lives and livelihoods are being lost because people have no access to effective early warning systems. The United Nations Early Warnings for All initiative aims for everyone, everywhere to be protected by an alert system by 2027. The world must come together, and urgently scale - up action and investment, to realize this goal. We need high - level political support for the Initiative within countries, a boost in technology support, greater collaboration between governments, businesses and communities, and a major effort to scale - up finance. Increasing the lending capacity of the Multilateral Development Banks is key. The Pact for the Future agreed last year made important strides forward, it must be delivered in full. So must the COP29 finance outcome. At the same time, we must intensify our efforts to tackle the climate crisis at source – through rapid and deep cuts to greenhouse gas emissions – to prevent it getting unimaginably worse. This year all countries must honour the promise to deliver new national climate action plans that align with limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius. In an era of climate disaster, every person on Earth must be protected by an early warning system as a matter of justice. Together, let’s deliver.
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